Friday, April 4, 2008

Banana Republic Sucks

Think twice (or three times) about offers for a Banana Republic Credit Card from its backer GE Money. Exhorbitant interest rates aside, the credit card company will hound you with twice daily phone calls to your home (including Saturday morning) should you miss one payment...even if it is for $100.
As someone who pays bills when he receives them, I moved two years ago but my change of address did not hit the credit card company. I used my Banana Republic Card for some holiday shopping and a bill was sent to my old address unbeknownst to me. I used the card again (successfully) in February and, again, a bill was sent to my old address. 
If you are like me you get a lot of bills so I did not miss Banana Republic's until they started calling me daily in February looking for the $100 I had charged. I asked for a new bill and it was sent, again, to my old address (after having now been given my new address three times).
Calls continued into March and still no bill. But they seemed to have my new phone number...hmmm. I finally reached a customer service rep in the Philippines of all places who took care of the matter after 45 straight days of harassment.
Shame on you Banana Republic and shame on you GE Money!

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